
kcinfuse avatar image
kcinfuse asked David Marginian answered

Associate Dev Kit Dropdown Not Showing All Merchants

On sandbox, it seems like on the "Associate Dev Kit" screen, the only merchants that we are able to associate with a device are merchants that are still in the "Setup Pending" step.

The only way to get to this step is to do the following:

1. Create a new merchant/test location

2. Navigate to the merchant/test location's dashboard

3. AVOID clicking the "Is this location part of an existing business? Yes No" modal at the top of the screen.

I currently see no retroactive way to get an existing merchant into the "Setup Pending" state. As a result, I am not able to re-associate my devkit with a pre-existing merchant. Only new merchants that I create and leave in this "Setup Pending" state are able to be associated with a device.

This seems like a bug to me. A device should always be able to be associated with a merchant, regardless if they are a fresh new merchant that is pending setup.

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

Have you tried - "Reassociating or disassociating your Dev Kit"


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kcinfuse avatar image kcinfuse commented ·

I am hesitant to disassociate my devkit because there are times it gets into a weird state where I am no longer able to find the device on my devkit dashboard.

Issue here:

I will try it in the future and resolve this if that flow works.

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kcinfuse avatar image kcinfuse commented ·

@David Marginian Reassociating the devkit does not work. It only shows me like 4 of my 15+ merchants. It's the same 4 merchants that are in the "Setup Pending" state.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ kcinfuse commented ·

Thanks, I have an open ticket for this. I'll update the community here when the status changes.

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

We deployed a fix for this last night please give it shot and let me know if you experience any other issues.

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