
litpro avatar image
litpro asked litpro answered

Anybody able to create a clover station emulator in the last month or so?

This is a question for community users. I'm just trying to find out if anybody's been able to create a Clover Station emulator in the last month or so. I've been unable to get app updates to install using an emulator generated by the google AVD, and I'm wondering if it's a problem particular to my account.

So if you've successfully managed to create an emulator for a Clover Station, please respond to this post! And if you're really feeling friendly, you can give details about platform (avd/genymotion), operating system, etc.

10 |2000

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litpro avatar image
litpro answered
I just installed the personal version of Genymotion to see if it would work, and it did. I had to open the Updater application from the notification area, tell it to "Install Now" and then confirm the installation of each package, but once I did that the launcher and apps appear to work correctly.

Conclusion: Clover Station emulation won't work using AVD, but works using Genymotion. Guess I'll have to buy a copy.
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Conrad McLean avatar image
Conrad McLean answered litpro commented
I was able to. I ran into issue before where the storage allocated on the emulator was too small so the app were unable to install.

I had to recreate the emulator with more location storage.
10 |2000

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

litpro avatar image litpro commented ·

Interesting! How much storage did you end up allocating? And what operating system are you using?

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Conrad McLean avatar image Conrad McLean litpro commented ·

Res: 800x1280

API: 22

Target Android 5.1 x86 (Lollipop)

CPU: x86

Size on Disk: 32 GB

I'm running on a MacBook Pro.

Model Name:MacBook Pro

Model Identifier:MacBookPro11,1

Processor Name:Intel Core i7

Processor Speed:2.8 GHz

Number of Processors:1

Total Number of Cores:2

L2 Cache (per Core):256 KB

L3 Cache:4 MB

Memory:16 GB

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litpro avatar image litpro Conrad McLean commented ·

Finally got around to trying it, and no luck. Was this emulator built using google AVD (Andriod Studio)? Or genymotion?

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