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mik3ca2 asked

500 internal server error creating ecommerce customer

I tried doing a multi-payment setup so that when I want to do refunds, I can give a partial one (by refunding one of the two payments).

If I use the input boxes on my website to enter credit card information in (via the ecommerce /v1/customers endpoint), the customer is successfully stored and I can charge the two amounts successfully.


I tried using a credit card through Google Pay. While google pay also returns a token, I can never provide that token to create customer endpoint without receive an HTTP error code 500.

This is what I get (I converted JSON to plain english):

message: 500 Internal Server Error
error type: api_error

error code: processing_error
error message: Internal Server Error.

Can someone fix this or will I have to make everyone (including those who want to use google pay) to manually type in their credit card numbers to pay?

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