
coder12 avatar image
coder12 asked parquet76 answered

401 Attempting to Generate a PAKMS key

I am currently attempting to generate a PAKMS key in my sandbox account using the Ecommerce API. I am successfully generating an auth token and the ecommerce payment was working fine with v1 oauth flow, but after migrating to v2 oauth (refresh tokens) ,I get {"message":"401 Unauthorized"}.
curl --request GET \  --url '' \  
--header 'accept: application/json' \  
--header 'authorization: Bearer {auth_token}'
Is there a sandbox setting I'm missing or is there a separate sandbox for the Ecommerce API?
Upon looking through the documents here and here, amongst many other places but have failed to get this issue resolved. Is there a step missing after migration to get ecommerce hosted checkout working again?

I am using the clover hosted checkout page here.

Another question is, is this pakms key app specific or merchant specific? Will we need to generate and save a seperate pakms per merchant or just once per app and reuse it?
I have already taken a look at
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1 Answer

parquet76 avatar image
parquet76 answered

Does your app have the correct permissions? If you have adjusted the permissions have you uninstalled/reinstalled your app and obtained a new token?

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