
vladavip88 avatar image
vladavip88 asked parquet76 commented

Sandbox test card - Token verification failed


starting today, we are facing issues with adding test cards on customers for newly created merchants (merchants created from this morning).

1. We created new merchants today
2. We added customers to merchants
3. We generated token using hosted iFrame
4. We try to add card on file and every time we get following error: "Token verification failed for token clv_1TSTS4BNxpK9EDQiHme9VCKn"

If we try the same procedure with old merchants, created before today, everything works fine.

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bryanvargas avatar image bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·
I checked the logs and see that you are charging the token and then try to save it to a customer but that token was a one off and can only be used once. I would suggest generating the token and save it to the customer before making a charge.
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parquet76 avatar image parquet76 bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·

@bryanvargas, this is broken. You can't even run a charge right now in sandbox. The underlying issue is:

"error": { "code": "card_declined", "message": "SERV NOT ALLOWED: Card type cannot be processed on your merchant processing account. Ask for another form of payment. Contact support if you believe this to be incorrect.", "charge": "M20NK2MGY5FT6", "declineCode": "issuer_declined" }

this is happening for ALL new merchants (merchants created before the end of April still work). To reproduce:

1) Get a token via iframe or via API.

2) Try to use that token to create a charge, this error will always be returned. Note, I tried every single test card on the Clover test cards page.

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andrija avatar image
andrija answered pompot converted comment to answer

any info/update on this?

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pompot avatar image
pompot answered parquet76 commented

Same problem here, keep getting tokenization error on all test cards being sent to:{mId}

{"type":"card_error","code":"card_declined","message":"Token verification failed for token clv_1TSTSrHGcUdPJVg9j26MFknF"}

Additionally, customers being created are not shown in on Customers page in my business account, but they are being returned from API requests to{mId}/customers?

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parquet76 avatar image parquet76 commented ·
I just created a charge and the token worked fine. Are you sure the token you are using is valid and hasn't been used before?
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