
dougw avatar image
dougw suggested carinamon commented

Sales Overview Report by employee

I would like to be able to get the complete Sales Overview report by Employee on the POS terminal. We need this information by employee because occasionally we need to split the day between 2 people and need the report at the end of each shift. The current Employee Report does not contain all the detail of the Overview report,

Clover StationSaleEmployees
10 |2000

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tickettenterprises avatar image
tickettenterprises commented

@dougw - We have an actual app in the market place that may meet your requirements.

If you need any more information please contact us.

10 |2000

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wopaga38 avatar image
wopaga38 commented

The Sales Overview Report by employee provides a comprehensive analysis of individual sales performances within a specified timeframe. This package scale report highlights key metrics such as total revenue generated, top-selling products, and client acquisition rates per employee. Managers can utilize this data to assess team productivity, identify top performers, and strategize for future growth initiatives. The package scale approach ensures a nuanced understanding of sales dynamics, fostering informed decision-making and optimized resource allocation across the organization.

10 |2000

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carinamon avatar image
carinamon commented

Identify the key metrics to include, such as total sales, number of deals closed, average deal size, conversion rate, and revenue generated.

Drive Mad

10 |2000

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