
jtreadaway avatar image
jtreadaway suggested tomdanny commented

Server Name on KDS orders

Please add server names to KDS.

Kitchen would like to be able to know who entered the order in case of questions or other issues.

OrdersClover Station
10 |2000

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charmaine avatar image
charmaine commented

Update the POS (Point of Sale) system's order entry interface to include a field for the server name. This may require Monkey Mart to reconfigure the user interface or add a new section to enter this information.

10 |2000

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tomdanny avatar image
tomdanny commented

Ensuring the server name is included on KDS (Kitchen Display System) orders improves order accuracy and enhances communication between front-of-house and kitchen staff. This practice helps streamline the order process and ensures that each dish is correctly attributed to the right server. As you manage these details, use custom fridge magnets to keep track of essential order management tips and reminders, making your operations more efficient and organized.

10 |2000

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