
glenhou avatar image
glenhou suggested rajarani commented

Show tips line on receipt as well as tablet

Before we could have tips space printed on receipts as well as on the tablet . Now this has changed and can only be either tablet or paper receipts. We have both to go customers who use the tablet to pay and dine in use paper receipts to pay with server. I do not want to force dine in customers to checkout at the tablet.

Surely other restaurants dont want this either. Please let us choose both places for tips to be entered.

Clover Station
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glenhou avatar image
glenhou commented

Go to the Clover Station Setup App

Down to Tips options: tip entry locatuion option

You have two choices on tablet screen or on printed receipt.

Before you could have it on both tablet and printed receipts this change in the last month or so.

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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image Jeffrey Blattman ♦♦ commented ·
That'd be surprising. I looked back in the code and I don't see where that's ever been an option.
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emmaorabelle avatar image
emmaorabelle commented bryanvargas edited

I understand your concern regarding the tips line on receipts for both tablet and paper receipts. It can be beneficial to have the option to choose where customers can enter their tips, especially if you have both dine-in and to-go customers who prefer different payment methods.

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gphothisen avatar image
gphothisen commented gphothisen edited

I am also looking for this feature. Is there any workaround for this or add-on app? Or am I missing something in the settings?

We use a single register, the Station Duo, for all transactions and would like to enable on-screen tipping for takeout customers. Additionally, we want the tipping section to be printed for guests dining in. Currently, it's set to print, but I feel like we're missing out on tips because customers often pay and leave without signing the receipt.

10 |2000

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rajarani avatar image
rajarani commented

Yes, i agree. This feature must be there.

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