
Prasad avatar image
Prasad asked Prasad commented

What is the Exact Flow to Place a Credit card Order in Clover ?

Hi Guys,

I Successfully Placing order on Sanbox with CASH and tender as cash. Thanks to developers who Helped me with the Suggestion when i Stuck up .

Now i started working with Credit card part . Actually I am a newcomer to this topic @ Clover . Previously we used Stripe.

The Flow I Understood on Clover :

  Create Order 
        Create Line Items
            Create Discount of Order 
                  Create Payment with tender and Line Items Tax-Amount 
                       Update the  Order with  payments discount etc and Lock it

As per the above flow Cash is Straight forward thing . But For Credit card i understood was

Create order 
        Create payment with tender as Credit Card 
           create an authorization

Here while iam trying to create an authorization it is not accepting the Payment created prior of authorization. Leading to Error :-

Payload :-

    "authcode": "FDHDFGDFG",
     "last4": 1111,
     "note": "NONE",
     "amount": 2100,
     "cardType": "VISA",
     "payment": {
          "id": "VH4KBKEDJ27YG"


Error :-

  "message": "Invalid payment."

So can any one help me with exact Flow of clover to Place successful order with Credit card transaction

Thanks, Prasad

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Prasad avatar image Prasad commented ·

Actually i have been using V3 related apis for creating all the Stuff. ok ... Sure

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Prasad avatar image Prasad commented ·

Sure miguel .. Actually i am bit concerned is Using V3 apis for Inventory menu creation , Order Processing ,Cash Payment Processing , V2 For CC processing . Here i would like to ask a query :- Is V3 backward Compatible ? where i can make api call consistently to v2. I presume V2 is Legacy version Which is being used in Prod . V3 is Latest . Could you tell me is it Precise Miguel . This helps me to Change my apis to to Legacy Version instead Latest .... Thanks,Miguel

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1 Answer

devender avatar image
devender answered devender edited
Is there any sample code for processing CC payment in php. I am trying to do it using curl but i did not found the MID where i can find it ?
When i am trying to hit URL
it destroy the session and give me message
{"message": "logged out"}
10 |2000

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