Hello Clover Team,
I am using my sandbox merchant and corresponding APIs to place orders and pay for it using the REST APIs. Currently the /apisandbox.dev.clover.com/v2/merchant/NT3BNVVXRH1YP/pay is giving an 500 Internal Server Error. So i am unable to test payment for my online orders via API.
I have tried the payment with the TEST CARD that i received with the Clover Developer Kit as well as 4111-1111.... credit cart number. Both cases the REST api throws the same error.
Could you please help on why the api is erring out and is there some setting i am missing in the sandbox merchant & how to make a successful payment via the pay api in SANDBOX api environment.
PS: the pay/key API is working fine and giving me the required response with the modulus, exponent etc...