
jefitastamales avatar image
jefitastamales asked giangthucha answered

Kitchen printer sound buzzer settings

Have a Star Micronics SP700 kitchen printer with a sound buzzer BU01 and I am not able to make it work does anyone know how to set it up to make a sound when an order is printed?

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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image
Jeffrey Blattman answered jasondean Suspended commented

We do not support buzzer sounds. I actually know a little about this as I prototyped it a few years back, but official support for it was never added to the product.

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jefitastamales avatar image jefitastamales commented ·

What a waste of a opportunity, there is a great need for this option on kitchen printers hope one day they integrate some kind of signal to activate buzzer, thank you very much for responding.

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ryan-m avatar image
ryan-m answered jefitastamales commented

It looks to me like that printer has the option of setting off the buzzer on its own whenever it cuts a new receipts. This was designed for POS systems that do not support triggering that buzzer

It basically requires a file to be transferred into the printer using command line from a computer. This would require you to plug the printer into a windows computer transfer the buzz on cut file. Then reconnect it how you had it originally. (Since you tagged the cover mini I am guessing you may have it plugged into that.)

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jefitastamales avatar image jefitastamales commented ·

Yes I think the same, but Star Micronics tech support says that even so needs a signal from Clover POS.

I will try this setting and see if works thank you.

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jefitastamales avatar image
jefitastamales answered jefitastamales edited

We are using "CUSTOMERS CLOVER APP" every time there is an order coming through this APP the CLOVER MINI makes a beeping sound alerting that there is an order from the APP, question here can this signal be used to make the KITCHEN PRINTER BUZZER work?

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flash9316 avatar image
flash9316 answered jordansmith sent

I asked star company. They are not cleared answer to me. So I tried just my way.

Ir sensor relay buzzer around $20. It is working perfect.

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firan avatar image
firan answered firan edited

Yes, I agree. However, according to Star Micronics tech support, it still requires a signal from Clover POS. I'll test this setting on website to see if it works. Thank you!

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giangthucha avatar image
giangthucha answered

This works. No gimmicks or nonsense bit setting or drivers to install. The sensor detects the paper and sound the buzzer after 15 seconds. It just works!!

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