
ecrumpecker avatar image
ecrumpecker asked esther598 edited

Business Operations API Token Expiration

We have a custom, one-off app that was built years ago using the merchant tokens generated in the Business Operations > API Tokens sections.

Based on @bryan.vargas's response in the post linked below, it sounds like these tokens will not expire after the update on August 1st requiring refresh tokens in the OAuth flow. Can anyone confirm if this is the case, or do we need to make updates for the merchant generated tokens from the Business Operations > API Tokens section?

E-commerce API privet token expires or not? - Clover Community

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1 Answer

esther598 avatar image
esther598 answered esther598 edited


Based on the information provided by @bryan.vargas in the Clover Community, it appears that the merchant tokens generated in the Business Operations > API Tokens section will not expire after the update on August 1st that requires refresh tokens in the OAuth flow. Therefore, you should be able to continue using these tokens without any immediate changes. However, it’s always a good practice to periodically review and update your app’s authentication mechanisms to ensure security and compliance with best practices.

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