
seanogorman avatar image
seanogorman asked leedy sent

Single Charge 204

Good afternoon. We are trying to create a simple integration for low volume charges. We were able to create a card token through consuming

When trying to create a change through we are getting back a 204 return.

We are self generating an API key in Account Setup -> API Keys


When attempting to create a charge we are receiving a 204 status code.


is able to be used with the self generated key as the Bearer token?

REST APIe-commerce apiAPI Token
1664222482675.png (138.5 KiB)
1664222585499.png (45.2 KiB)
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larryrichard avatar image larryrichard commented ·

I think you should extract the URL and then make a GET API call to the below URL with App sercet

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jainh avatar image
jainh answered leedy sent

The Key that you had hidden in the first Image is the App Secret. This is generated when you create an application in clover. This is not authroized yet. Follow the steps as below:-

When you create an application you must have provided provided some localhost URL for testing

Step 1. Use the below URL
Just paste this link in your browser, make sure your server that you mentioned in the app is up at that time.

This link will redirect you to a URL or some page, but you only need the URL

Step 2: Extract the URL, it should look something like

fetch all the 4 fields merchant_id, employee_id, client_id and code

Step 3:-

Make a GET API call to the below URL with App sercet and code from the above step

the value returned is "access_token", this is the value that you can use to create charges and all other things. This bearer token is authorized and should work.

Let me know if this works for you.

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rebeccastewart avatar image rebeccastewart commented ·

This method really worked for me. Thank you for sharing
penalty shooters 2

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elaineelders avatar image
elaineelders answered

"Single Charge 204" introduces a groundbreaking battery technology promising extended power retention. With a single charge, telugutechpro it offers unparalleled longevity, revolutionizing energy storage solutions. From smartphones to electric vehicles, this innovation ensures uninterrupted usage, reducing environmental impact and enhancing user convenience. A game-changer in the quest for sustainable energy solutions.

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