
ziaulhaq avatar image
ziaulhaq asked andrew321 edited

How to integrate clover rest API with ASP.NET Core with global developer account

I'd like to integrate the Clover payment gateway into my current web application. The Clover team has set up a global developer account and a merchant account for me, but I need guidance on creating and configuring an app within the global developer account and linking it with the merchant account. Additionally, I'm seeking assistance on how to make API calls to the Clover API from our ASP.NET Core REST APIs.

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bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered ziaulhaq commented

We have our Clover Docs that will go through our REST APIs and setting up your app:

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ziaulhaq avatar image ziaulhaq commented ·

The initial step in payment process through the WebAPI approach is to create the OAuth token. When using the sandbox account details, when generating the OAuth token its redirecting to the clover sandbox environment to login. Once the login is successfully its creating the OAuth token.

Just need to clarify the will it be the same behavior in the actual PROD environment setup or its different behavior? How we can prevent redirect to login to the clover login page?

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bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered

it will be the same if the merchant is not logged into their dashboard and is trying to access your app. If they are logged into the web dashboard and download>install>open your app they will successfully go through Oauth automatically and you will get a token

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andrew321 avatar image
andrew321 answered andrew321 edited
  • Set up your VidMate app in Clover's global developer account
  • Link it to your merchant account.
  • Use HttpClient in ASP .NET Core for API calls.
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