
vacarsu avatar image
vacarsu asked vacarsu edited

unauthorized on USProd Developer Dashboard.

It seems this has been posted countless times on here, but still has not been resolved so I'll just create another post on top of all of the others and hope I get some support I guess.

When I click on US Prod on Clover developer website, I get 401 Unauthorized and immediately logged out with browser message:

GET 401 (Unauthorized)

developer platfom
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miller avatar image
miller answered

I encountered the same situation as you. Does anyone know how to help us? Also, I want to introduce you to that's not my neighbor on my site. This is a good and interesting game that is highly appreciated by many people. Experience it now.

10 |2000

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axxa avatar image
axxa answered axxa edited

It seems like there's an issue with unauthorized access on the USProd Developer Dashboard. It's crucial to address such incidents promptly to prevent further unauthorized actions and ensure data security. Implementing strong verizon cable and internet packages authentication measures and monitoring access logs can help mitigate risks. Promptly reporting and resolving unauthorized access incidents is essential for maintaining trust and compliance within the developer community and protecting sensitive information.

10 |2000

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ben-m avatar image
ben-m answered

Hi @vacarsu ,

AI-generated "responses" riddled with hidden links aside; You probably have a cookie that expired. Have you tried clearing your cookies? (Or simply logging in with incognito mode)

This happens to me once a year, just like the length of the Clover tokens. They don't get cleared and will keep preventing you from logging in if you don't clear them.

10 |2000

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vacarsu avatar image
vacarsu answered

@ben-m cleared cookies, still the same issue.

10 |2000

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vacarsu avatar image
vacarsu answered

I should mention this is the second developer account I've created that has broken in some way.

the first account just seems to not exist I get


Invalid login credentials

when I try to login, but when I try to create a new account with the email it says an account with this email already exists, but I still get an email to confirm my email address, which the link takes me to an error page...

This entire dashboard is just completely broken.

10 |2000

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vacarsu avatar image
vacarsu answered vacarsu edited

Okay created a third account, and submitted my developer account for review. Would be nice if someone would approve this quickly.

10 |2000

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