
yuka2024 avatar image
yuka2024 asked efekty answered

App Approval in Pending Review for One Month

I see many similar questions in this forum but none of them had a useful answer so here we go again. Our app has been in pending review status for over a month, and the bar hasn't moved at all. I would like to know what the status is and how longer it will be taking, as we'd like to have an agenda for our timeline. Hopefully someone from Clover will see this and give us an update!screenshot-2024-05-28-at-44637pm.png

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lucas-f avatar image
lucas-f answered yuka2024 commented


I share your frustration. Our app has been pending for over 3 months now.

We have reached out to their developer support email, but they are non-responsive.

We have tried reaching out to their general call-line for assistance as well, but none of their support agents can route your concerns to the developer team.

Let me know if you have any updates here and I will keep you posted on our end.

Screenshot 2024-06-03 at 1.04.50 PM.png

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yuka2024 avatar image yuka2024 commented ·
The app is still in pending review but at least they responded that they are conducting the final test, however they are MIA once again for 2 weeks since... Hope you had an update on your end too.
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usamam85 avatar image
usamam85 answered yuka2024 commented


Clover has paused app approval temporarily across the board, hence the reason for delays.

I think the reason for this is because they’re updating there policies.

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yuka2024 avatar image yuka2024 commented ·
Hi @UsamaM85 thank you for this answer. May I ask where you saw this announcement? I might have missed it but don't remember seeing any emails pertaining this information.
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efekty avatar image
efekty answered
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