
jerry2024 avatar image
jerry2024 asked

Private App Approval

Hello team, we have contacted at least 5 times regarding our app being stuck in the approval process for 7 months with no updates, but received no responses from the email or team. Can someone look into this, please?


  1. Our app is only for our merchant and it is not going to be in the App Store
  2. We have it working as needed in a sandbox
  3. We use webhooks:
    • Customers: When customers are created or updated
    • Inventory: When inventory items are created, updated, or deleted
    • Merchants: When merchant properties are changed
    • Orders: When orders are created, updated, deleted
    • Payments: When payments are created, updated, or deleted
  4. We have the access to our merchant account.


App Marketapp approvals
10 |2000

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