
vishal388 avatar image
vishal388 asked hitseri answered

Remote-pay-cloud vs Clover SDK for .Net


I need suggestions and direction in which path is better suitable for my application architecture to integrate with Clover Flex device:

My application architecture is something like this:

Back-end is written using .Net REST APIs

Web Based POS application,, relies on REST APIs for everything.

iOS app that also utilize REST APIs for everything

All th documents I have read so far suggest that remote-pay-cloud is the way to go. I want to explore if its possible to connect my WebAPIs to Clover device and use that for Connecting Web based POS to Clover Flex.

Is this possible? If so can you guide me to sample code or document that can help me.


semi-integrationsClover Flex
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered commented

Remote Pay Cloud will allow your web based POS to connect to and communicate with our Cloud Pay Display or Secure Network Pay Display running on a Clover Mini or Flex with JavaScript, more information -

We also have a Rest Pay Display option in beta which would allow communication via REST. Contact, perhaps you would be a candidate for this integration.

It is technically possible to build your own Android app that runs on a Clover Mini or Flex that does something similar to our Pay Display apps but that is a lot more work and there are a lot more things that you can mess up so I would not recommend going in that direction.

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Hi @

Do you have any related documents or examples how to connect REST Pay Display app?
Could you please suggest me which SDK should I use with REST Pay Display app?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

There is no SDK. We will be publishing documentation when it is ready.

1 Like 1 · avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Do you know a relative timeline when it is ready?
Such as next 1 or 2 months?

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vishal388 avatar image
vishal388 answered

Thank you so much David. I will reach out to the email provided and also explore the remote-cloud-pay in the mean time.

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hitseri avatar image
hitseri answered

Feeling stressed by the prospect of securing the infrastructure and applications. You may rely on dedicated assistance at and feel confident that this process will go smoothly, tailored to your demands and expectations. owing to op-notch standards and solutions involved

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