
mehranhydary avatar image
mehranhydary asked David Marginian Deactivated edited

Websocket error when sending a request from codelab demo to clover flex

Hi there, I cannot get my client to connect to the clover flex when I am trying to follow the codelab-remote-cloud-pay demo (

Client application is able to find the device (shows up in the dropdown) but when I click connect I get this error:

WebSocket connection to 'wss://{REDACTED}/{REDACTED}/support/remote_pay/cs?token={REDACTED}&friendlyId=Primary%20POS&forceConnect=false&wsMid={REDACTED}&wsAccessToken={REDACTED}' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 503

How my client app looks (please note I removed my device ID but it does get picked up):

semi-integrationsClover Flex
10 |2000

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