
shamal avatar image
shamal asked shamal commented

An invalid device serial number [SERIALNO] or token was provided.

When we were testing our approved production app, We encountered the above issue.
we provide the token and the serial number is also correct.
Please let us know why we receive this error. (everything works in sandbox with a test merchant)

API endpoint:


"message": "An invalid device serial number [SERIALNO] or token was provided.",

"requestId": "requestId",

"requestType": "PAY",

"type": "BAD_REQUEST"


REST APICloud Pay Display
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shamal avatar image
shamal answered shamal commented

@bryan.vargas could you please help us with this issue?

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bryanvargas avatar image bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·
is the device the merchant device or are you using the sandbox device. ? Are you using a prod token?
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shamal avatar image shamal bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·

yes, this merchant device.

yes, it's a prod token, received via Auth flow.

Below are the endpoints used in the production.

Auth flow:

send a payment request:

Please let us know what is wrong here.

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shamal avatar image
shamal answered

is there a way to validate the token? My prod token data shows like this


"sub": "developer-app",

"iss": "auth-token",

"iat": 1714423575,

"exp": 1714425375,


is the "sub" field value is correct?

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shamal avatar image
shamal answered shamal commented

could you please help us resolve this issue?

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bryanvargas avatar image bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·
can you verify the device ID you are entering is correct. I would recommend doing a get DEVICE call to verify the value
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shamal avatar image shamal bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·

I tried with the device status call :
but I still get the same error. any idea?

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girish avatar image
girish answered

Hi, I have facing the same error : "An invalid device serial number [SERIALNO] or token was provided" when called the production API endpoint:

If you have any solution for this please let me know.


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