
thanhhai7621 avatar image
thanhhai7621 asked thanhhai7621 commented

Error not showing tip screen or payment screen when paying through REST PAY API and Cloud Pay Display

Error not showing tip screen or payment screen when paying through REST PAY API and Cloud Pay Display with dev kit Clover Flex(2nd)

I'm having a problem with the Cloud Pay Display REST PAY API.

The order of payment is as follows:

* /v1/device/read-tip

* /v1/payments

* /v1/device/welcome

But sometimes even though I have manually started Cloud Pay Display, sometimes the read-tip screen will not be displayed. (After restarting Cloud Pay Display a few times, it will work normally)

The sequence of operations is as follows:

When calling payment from the pos system installed on the clover device, at the clover flex(2nd) dev kit device, the welcome screen will display 2 times, then enter the password into the clover flex device, the waiting screen will appear, the tip input screen will not be displayed. The /read-tip API will not respond until the timeout expires.

Is this error caused by Cloud Pay Display on sandbox environment. Is there a similar problem on the product environment?

Is there any way to solve the above problem?

REST APICloud Pay Display
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered

I think this is a configuration issue. What is your merchant id?

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thanhhai7621 avatar image
thanhhai7621 answered thanhhai7621 commented

Here is the merchant id:


Flex (2nd Gen)

Please help me check it !

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·
We may not be able to get to this until after Monday next week.
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thanhhai7621 avatar image thanhhai7621 David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Thanks you. Monday next week please help me check it.

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thanhhai7621 avatar image thanhhai7621 David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

@ Please help me check this issue.


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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ thanhhai7621 commented ·
Can you restart your device and try again?
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