Error not showing tip screen or payment screen when paying through REST PAY API and Cloud Pay Display with dev kit Clover Flex(2nd)
I'm having a problem with the Cloud Pay Display REST PAY API.
The order of payment is as follows:
* /v1/device/read-tip
* /v1/payments
* /v1/device/welcome
But sometimes even though I have manually started Cloud Pay Display, sometimes the read-tip screen will not be displayed. (After restarting Cloud Pay Display a few times, it will work normally)
The sequence of operations is as follows:
When calling payment from the pos system installed on the clover device, at the clover flex(2nd) dev kit device, the welcome screen will display 2 times, then enter the password into the clover flex device, the waiting screen will appear, the tip input screen will not be displayed. The /read-tip API will not respond until the timeout expires.
Is this error caused by Cloud Pay Display on sandbox environment. Is there a similar problem on the product environment?
Is there any way to solve the above problem?