
alexrivas avatar image
alexrivas asked

Inconsistent Responses and Behavior from REST Pay Display API /ping Endpoint on Clover Devices

Hello everyone,

We are developing a semi-integration solution for an iPad Application. We are using the REST Pay Display API and it works as expected in some areas but we've encountered some inconsistent behaviors with our payment device's /ping endpoint and I'm seeking insights or similar experiences from the community.

  • Inconsistent /ping Responses: Occasionally, the /ping endpoint returns a 200 OK status, but at other times, it provides a RESOURCE_CONFLICT error with the message: "A connection to your device could not be established." This inconsistency occurs without a clear pattern.
  • Issue with Cancelling Operations: When attempting to cancel ongoing operations, the device shows an indeterminate loading state transitioning from the "Welcome" screen. Interestingly, after this loading phase, a subsequent /ping often returns 200 OK with connected: true.
  • Behavior Post-Sale Processing: Normally, after opening Cloud Pay Display application, the device processes sales without issues while on the "Welcome" screen. However, despite the device appearing to be in an IDLE state after processing a transaction, the /ping endpoint sometimes still returns the aforementioned RESOURCE_CONFLICT error.
  • Expected Behavior: Our expected outcome is for the device to restart the Cloud Pay Display application and transition to IDLE mode when /cancelInFlight is invoked, allowing the /ping endpoint to function correctly. Additionally, after any transaction (sale or refund), the device should ideally remain in IDLE mode with the /ping functioning as expected.

Has anyone faced similar issues, or can offer any troubleshooting tips or solutions? Your feedback would be greatly appreciated as we work to resolve these erratic behaviors.

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

REST APIsemi-integrationsCloud Pay Display
10 |2000

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