
kacyjames avatar image
kacyjames asked kacyjames commented

Clover Cloud Connector Example Fails, Returns 401 Unauthorized

I'm using the Clover Cloud connector example app to test out my Clover dev kit:

The application is unable to authenticate and returns a 401 after successfully getting an access token back from the sandbox server. As a result, I can't initiate a connection with the device. I've created a web application in the dashboard with a site URL and a CORS domain.

Is there anything else necessary to complete setup so I can test the device?

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kacyjames avatar image kacyjames commented ·

Hi Rachel, Cloud Pay Display is installed. Initially when selecting the '' option in the device configuration modal, I'm successfully taken through the authentication flow and redirected to my app. For some reason though, none of the devices associated with my merchant show up in the dialog after the redirect.

The application calls this endpoint when I select '' again from the 'clover device configuration modal' after the redirect:

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kacyjames avatar image kacyjames commented ·

Thanks for the tip Rachel! Since there doesn't appear to be a way to delete a web application from the terminal, I created a new application with all of the proper permissions. The new application has no problem getting a list of devices!

Unfortunately, the application can't send messages to the device, the application gets a 401 when it attemps to contact<access_token>. I don't see the remote pay permission listed in the application preferences, is there another place that needs to be enabled?

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1 Answer

kacyjames avatar image
kacyjames answered

UPDATE: I just attempted to use the app in an incognito window and everything worked as expected. Can't say for sure what the issue was.? Thanks for all of your help!

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