
dja avatar image
dja asked sam Deactivated commented

Pricing Free on non free app or how to test billing

Hello, I'm currently trying to test billing on my app, since we want to do something different if the app is paid, in trial or lapsed, I am in sandbox and have set up a new Subscription Pricing on the app page that should charge 1 dolar a month, but when I go to choose that new subscription option for a test merchant the option appears with "US$1.00 per month" crossed off and the word "Free" under the price. Sure enough if I choose this option and I check the BillingInfo API it returns the same that was returned when the app had the free subscription. How could I make this actually "charge" the sandbox merchant? How can I simulate the merchant having a credit card vs not having one, or vs having it declined. I also tried pressing the 30 day free trial button but isInTrial kept being false even then, how could I test a Merchant in trial?

Thanks, Diego.

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1 Answer

b avatar image
b answered sam Deactivated commented

Hi Diego -- Billing is disabled in the Sandbox environment so you won't be able to test out the merchant's (in)ability to pay.

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dja avatar image dja commented ·

Ouch, that's troublesome. Hope the documentation is right about the Billing Info API call then.!/app...

I would need to know whether a user is on trial, correctly paying or hasn't paid for whatever reason. What I am currently checking is:

If isInTrial is true, then the merchant is currently on trial for our app. Otherwise, if status is ACTIVE he's currently paying, but if it is LAPSED there was something wrong with his payment and so we stop allowing him the use of our services. Could you confirm me if this is the correct way to do this.

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