
el-eduardo avatar image
el-eduardo asked bryanvargas commented

Preview in App Market failing with "Something went wrong try again later"

I have an APK in draft that I want to download (connect?) to a couple of DevKits to test. When I go to the app (tender app) and I click on "Preview in app Market" I get the following:


This is the first load of this app onto the devkit that is associated with that location so I cannot side load it. I need this first thing to work. Am I the only one seeing this? Is there any other way to upload an APK that does not involve this flow?

App Market
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1 Answer

eduardolaucer avatar image
eduardolaucer answered bryanvargas commented

tocayo (@el-eduardo), where you able to find a solution to this a year ago?

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bryanvargas avatar image bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·
Our engineers are working on resolving this
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eoghan avatar image eoghan bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·
Do you have an estimate? I'm unable to upload my app until this is resolved.
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bryanvargas avatar image bryanvargas ♦♦ eoghan commented ·

If. you need your app to your test merchant for testing, please email with your appID and test merchant for them to manually download it to your merchant until the issue is resolved.

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