
ivaandreeva avatar image
ivaandreeva asked Mark Mullan Deactivated commented

Card payment sometimes not triggering onPaymentProcessed on a Clover Mini

Hi there, I am trying to capture an order's payment. I have implemented OnOrderUpdateListener2 and it's method - onPaymentProcessed. Payment with cash works fine, but on a Clover Mini sometimes when the payment is with a card the OnOrderUpdateListener2's onPaymentProcessed doesn't get called at all. The strange thing is that sometimes the method is called as expected, but sometimes not.

Any ideas on this?


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anthonypinto avatar image
anthonypinto answered sg01 commented

Looks like there was a bug preventing the callback from being called under certain circumstances depending on the order of synching events internally. There is a fix on the way.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

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ivaandreeva avatar image ivaandreeva commented ·

Thank you!

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sg01 avatar image sg01 commented ·

Hello, could you let me know if this has been fixed please? I'm still seeing some erratic behaviour. Thank you!

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ivaandreeva avatar image ivaandreeva commented ·

I'm interested to know if there's an update on this as well. Thanks!

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sg01 avatar image
sg01 answered


Has this been fixed?

Thank you!

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garyf avatar image
garyf answered Mark Mullan Deactivated commented


I'm getting this error running a demo with SDK 'com.clover.sdk:clover-android-sdk:latest.release' and Clover 2.0-1836. The code block adds a test OnOrderUpdateListener2 listener which implements onPaymentProcessed

public class TestOrderChangeListener implements OrderConnector.OnOrderUpdateListener2 {
    public void onPaymentProcessed(String orderId, String paymentId) {
        System.out.printf("Payment processed: %s, %s\n", orderId, paymentId);


orderConnector = new OrderConnector(this, account, null);
orderConnector.addOnOrderChangedListener(new TestOrderChangeListener());

however this is not fired when a payment is complete. Currently trying to find a work around using however ideally the listener process would be used. Any example code of this working would be welcomed.

Many thanks


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