
lazynoodle avatar image
lazynoodle asked pravesh2626 answered

Why are webhooks not working ?

Q1: Why when you do single edit of item you get webhook event, but when you do bulk or quick edit you do not. Example when doing bulk edit on items and assigning tax to 100 items no webhook event is received. Same goes for quick edit.
Note: Quick edit is worse no webhooks events are recieved for any action. Where for bulk edit some actions do produce wehook events while others do not.
What is with this incosistency ?

Q2: Why when tax is created no webhook event is published ?

Please let me know what is with this incosistency.

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richardprieto avatar image
richardprieto answered richardprieto edited

@pizza tower Hello,

Q2: If you're not receiving the expected webhook event, there could be several reasons:

  1. Ensure that your webhook is properly set up to listen for tax-related events and that the necessary event types are registered.
  2. Verify that your webhook endpoint is correctly configured and able to receive webhook payloads. Check for any issues with URL configuration, authentication, or network connectivity that might prevent the webhook events from reaching your endpoint.
  3. Verify that the tax creation process is successfully completed on the Clover platform and that no errors or exceptions are occurring during the process.
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lelajensen avatar image
lelajensen answered

Webhooks are standard HTTP requests that come from a source application to your API, therefore if there is no way to track down the request, they may fail silently. To verify that you're receiving webhooks at the anticipated endpoint on your server, utilize Hookdeck's online test tool. I introduce a game name kick the buddy.

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pravesh2626 avatar image
pravesh2626 answered

Hi Support,

i get same issue can you any one help me out i just add a screenshot of postman and app.
I didn't get any action , like item add , update and delete.scr.png


scr.png (136.0 KiB)
src2.png (78.3 KiB)
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