hi there,
We are a not for profit association and we rely on donations for ou activities.
We own a Clover Flex, and want to ease the donation experience with a tablet from which users select amount to donate and tap on the Flex.
we don't understand where to start from and how to proceed. Please help !
1) We understand that the clover can be integrated to iOS/android/Web based apps on other devices. True ?
2) We use a sample web page and try to connect to the clover Flex over wifi.... no success so far: what are the prerequisites ?
3) Does the webpage need to be approved by Clover team ?
4) Can we use the Clover Flex for ou development, or we need to get the dev Kit for this ?
5) can anyone guide us on the development process for our purpose ? We wen't through the dev section but it's unclear ...
thank you very much