
Christopher Hayes avatar image
Christopher Hayes asked hentle sent

DUO Station (Gen 3)

Several of our customer's Clover DUOs updated to Gen 3 API (the screens are visibly different). What we found is the option for manual entry is now missing. How can we restore this functionality?

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raghudesam avatar image raghudesam commented ·

Thanks for posting. Do you have few device serial numbers having the problem or merchant names?

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lisalm avatar image
lisalm answered

@Christopher Hayes will you please email this scenario above and any other details including examples of serial/device IDs that can be researched with the Clover support team?

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xositop avatar image
xositop answered

Clover DUOs can log in when the user's information is needed. You can start over cookie clicker

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hilarymiller avatar image
hilarymiller answered

It’s frustrating to hear that the manual entry option is missing after the Clover DUOs updated to Gen 3. Restoring that functionality is crucial for a seamless experience. Just like solving tech issues, Pokerogue and Pokerogue Dex provide solutions that enhance gameplay and community engagement.

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