
naseer5388 avatar image
naseer5388 asked bryanvargas edited

How to add item to category using clover sdk?

I want to create a category to add inventory item. I use the code given below for creating category it create category but whenever I click on button it create new category with same name. so 1st step is how to check how to check category is already exist or not. and second step is how to add items to that category. here is the code to create category. if someone know how to handle this scenario please let me know with code example. Thanks

Category category = new Category();

category.setName("New Category");

category = cloverConnector.createCategory(category);

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1 Answer

ethane avatar image
ethane answered bryanvargas edited

To check if a category already exists before creating a new one, you can query your database or data store to see if the category name already exists. Here's an example code snippet:

// Check if the category already exists

if (categoryExists(categoryName)) {

// Handle error or notify user that category already exists

} else {

// Create the new category



Regarding adding items to a category, you will need to create a way to associate items with categories. This could be done by adding a field to your item table or data model that specifies the category for each item. Here's an example code snippet for adding an item to a category:

// Add an item to a category

function addItemToCategory(itemID, categoryName) {

// Update the item record to include the category

updateItemCategory(itemID, categoryName);


You would need to replace the updateItemCategory function with the appropriate code to update your database or data store.

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