
eingfilip avatar image
eingfilip asked eingfilip answered

How to pick Tender?

How should we pick what tender to use?

And can you tell us what is this tender for?

      "href": "",
      "id": "1AQPC1ZMZ3VPR",
      "editable": false,
      "labelKey": "com.clover.tender.external_payment",
      "label": "External Payment",
      "opensCashDrawer": false,
      "enabled": false,
      "visible": false
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bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered

External Payment tender is a default, uneditable tender that logs the payment for bookkeeping. This tender does not process or capture any credit/debit card details. If you need to see which available tenders the merchant has please use the /v3/merchants/{mId}/tenders

More information on using tenders can be found here:

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eingfilip avatar image
eingfilip answered

Thanks for the quick response. To better clarify, we are implementing a pre-authorization on our mobile QR code ordering app to protect the merchants against customers with non-sufficient funds when tokenizing and storing credit and debit cards. In order to implement the pre-auth, we need to first know if the customer is using a debit or credit card. Is there a way for us to know this in advance of submitting the authorization to Clover?

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