Hey Guys, our integration utilizes a semi integration with the secure network pay display app, and we also use the eCommerce API. We have both a web component and an in-store, card present component that are run respectively from those integrations. That said, we don't actually use any of the built in Clover data structures like customers, orders, etc, but rather just basic transactions / payments. That said, I recently tried to work in saved card tokens to my website, and I ran up against an issue. It looks like the tokens that are created by my iframe integration are single use, and based on what I read here:
It looks like in order to generate a multipay token, you would normally hit the v1/customers endpoint to save this card to them, and this would return a multipay token that you would reuse in the future. The thing is, our app doesn't use the built in customers functionality from Clover because we just use a basic semi integration. Can you please let me know how I could go about creating a token that I can reuse for future transactions without having access to this endpoint?