
webforte avatar image
webforte asked uisfdra commented

Account Closed


I am trying to do the payment with a saved card, and when I am doing payment then it shows this error:

O:8:"stdClass":2:{s:7:"message";s:20:"402 Payment Required";s:5:"error";O:8:"stdClass":4:{s:4:"code";s:13:"card_declined";s:7:"message";s:14:"ACCOUNT CLOSED";s:6:"charge";s:13:"J976GM14CCQ68";s:11:"declineCode";s:15:"issuer_declined";}}

Please explain.

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1 Answer

hennysmath avatar image
hennysmath answered dawidkarla Suspended commented

This is because the account is no longer active, and the issuing bank will decline the transaction. In such a case, it is important to update the customer's payment information as soon as possible to avoid any disruption in service or delayed payments.


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uisfdra avatar image uisfdra commented ·

shell shockers

Currently I'm having this problem

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