
ramya avatar image
ramya asked ramya commented

How to enable 2D barcode scanning using intents?


We have to allow 2D barcode scanning in our app, Can you please tell me which intent we have to use. In register app 2D barcode scanner working fine.

This is the code we are using

Bundle extras = new Bundle();
extras.putBoolean(Intents.EXTRA_LED_ON, false);
extras.putBoolean(Intents.EXTRA_SCAN_1D_CODE, true);
extras.putBoolean(Intents.EXTRA_SHOW_PREVIEW, false);

Thank you.

Clover Android SDKbarcode scanner
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1 Answer

superdave avatar image
superdave answered ramya commented

You can set the following Intent to true:


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ramya avatar image ramya commented ·

Hi Superdave,


extras.putBoolean(Intents.EXTRA_SCAN_QR_CODE, true);

but still scan doesn't work.


Can you please check it. Have attached scanner image.

Thank you.

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