
cdcilley avatar image
cdcilley asked chanel Deactivated answered


In the Android SDK, according to ACTION_SECURE_PAY ( JavaDoc) a call to
Intent intent = new Intent(Intents.ACTION_SECURE_PAY);
startActivityForResult(intent, PAY_REQUEST_CODE);
onActivityResult() will receive the Payment information in the returning intent.
If ACTION_CLOVER_PAY ( JavaDoc) is used in the intent instead, no Payment information is returned.

I'm sorry, but that does not make sense.

As it stands, I have to set a flag in onActivityResult(), which gets called immediately upon exit from the Clover Pay activity, so that when onResume() is called in my Activity and the Clover OrderConnector is established I can pull the payment information from the order ID.

Please let me know if I'm missing something.
Clover Android SDKCloud Pay Display
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1 Answer

chanel avatar image
chanel Deactivated answered
ACTION_CLOVER_PAY will launch the Payments app, which will correctly decide the payment device to use based on device configuration (connected Mini, native swipe on Station, etc).

ACTION_SECURE_PAY starts Secure Payments directly (on Mobile/Mini/Flex) or Station Pay (on Station, if it's installed), which works for taking payment, but requires a bit more knowledge to do correctly. Mostly it is used by developers who are trying to do more sophisticated integrations and not expose/use Clover orders.
10 |2000

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

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