
kapilk avatar image
kapilk asked David Marginian edited

Refund for split custom amount using PaymentConnector in Clover station

Hi, @David Marginian

Reg: Multiple refund payment requests for different payment ids under same order id.

I am trying to refund for split custom amount transactions using PaymentConnector in clover station. My code will trigger refundPayment request in a loop for all split transactions. But only partial refund happened and considering only first request. Please check below code snippet and attached the image.

Can't we initiate multiple refundPayment requests in a loop ?
Can we initiate next refundPayment request in the queue only after prior request returns response ? I mean, next refundPayment request in queue can be initiated in below handler ?

public void onRefundPaymentResponse(RefundPaymentResponse response) {}


// model for split custom transaction details like paymentId and orderId
class CloverRefundModel { 
    private String paymentId;
    private String orderId; // and getters methods

CloverRefundModel[] mRefundModelList // is an array of CloverRefundModel objects

for (CloverRefundModel refundModel : mRefundModelList) {
    RefundPaymentRequest refund = new RefundPaymentRequest();

Clover Android SDKSandboxClover StationPaymentConnectorRefund
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian edited

I don't quite understand your post, but no, you can't make refund requests in a loop. These are card present transaction requests being made to the device (which can only process 1 transaction at a time), the first one needs to be complete before you can initiate the second one.

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