
Sukhbir Singh avatar image
Sukhbir Singh asked David Marginian Deactivated edited

Refund fails on debit swipe

Hi @Jeffrey Blattman @David Marginian,

We are facing an issue during the partial refund implemented by the android Payment connector. When we make a partial refund in that transaction which was made by card-swiping with the amount less than $51 got failed every time. Let's see the following cases:

Case 1.

Perform a transaction for $ 41.00 via inserting the Card

Process a partial refund for the same with the amount $ 39.00

The result is a successful refund.

Case 2.

Perform a transaction for $ 41.00 via EMV_CONTACTLESS

Process a partial refund for the same with the amount $ 39.00

The result is a successful refund.

Case 3.

Perform a transaction for $ 41.00 via card swapping

Process a partial refund for the same with the amount $ 39.00

The result is a “FAIL” indicating that the transaction cannot be refunded.

(We have analyzed this case many times with some tests and found that if the payment amount is more than $50 it will success otherwise fail)

Also in the case of failure during the debugging, we have found following exception at SDK side:

E/PaymentRefundCardNotPresentActivity: doInBackground( refund failed

com.clover.sdk.v1.ServiceException: status code: 500 This payment can no longer be refunded back to the card. Refund customer via manual refund or in cash.

at com.clover.sdk.v1.ServiceConnector.throwOnFailure(

at com.clover.sdk.v1.ServiceConnector.execute(

Please suggest a solution to resolve it.


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Sukhbir Singh avatar image Sukhbir Singh commented ·

Hi @Jeffrey Blattman @David Marginian @Greg

Do you have any update or suggestion for this?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ Sukhbir Singh commented ·

The logic surrounding this is quite complex but I suspect it may be because in case 3 the card is being processed as a debit. What card are you using for case 3?

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Sukhbir Singh avatar image Sukhbir Singh David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @David Marginian,

Thanks for your response.

We made payment with the test card number 6011361000006668 and select the "Credit" option (See attached screen found in payment flow) but In payment sale response we found "label":"Debit Card","labelKey":"com.clover.tender.debit_card"

under the tender object. So definitely that was Debit Card.

Also, We have tested all three steps with test credit card number 5149612200000027 and found that refund is also working fine.

So, Will you please suggest to us that how can we resolve it also for the Debit card?


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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered Sukhbir Singh commented

By default Clover does not allow (fraud prevention) debit payments to be refunded unless certain conditions are met (common AID or certain routing indicator returned from gateway or merchant entitlement). I am still investigating why the payment (case #3) seems to be processed as a debit only if it is < 50 (but this is probably something at the payment gateway level).

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Sukhbir Singh avatar image Sukhbir Singh commented ·

@David Marginian Thanks for the valuable information. Also, this will be very appreciating if you will provide us the more details on it (when you received) and about conditions in case of debit.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ Sukhbir Singh commented ·

The conditions in which debit refunds are supported is if one of the following is true:

1) It was common AID (false in case 3 because the card was swiped).

2. It had a routing indicator of C to indicate that the payment was processed over credit rails. (Routing indicator may or may not be returned in the XML response from Rapid Connect - in this case it looks like it was not returned.)

3. The merchant has a special entitlement to indicate that debit refunds are allowed (this will be false most of the time since only a handful of merchants receive this entitlement). This entitlement is given in very rare situations.

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Sukhbir Singh avatar image Sukhbir Singh David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

@David Marginian Thanks for it. So in my case 3 should be true.

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