
realariful avatar image
realariful asked shivamt2 commented

How to connect multiple POS to multiple devices using Clover?


We are working towards developing our Odoo Remote Pay Cloud for supporting multiple Odoo POS.

For Example, Domain 1 has POS 1 connecting to Clover Device 1.

Domain 2 has POS2 connecting to Clover Device 2.

How can we support this using Clover Semi-Integration(Remote Pay Cloud.)

semi-integrationsRemote Pay Cloud
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

Domain? I am not quite sure what you are talking about. If you want to support multiple merchants you don't need a distinct domain for each. One option, in your POS you can tie your local account with a Clover merchant. You can then use our REST API to display a list of devices for that merchant and the merchant can choose what device they want to connect to.

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realariful avatar image realariful commented ·
Thank you David, for your answer.

We are also concerned about the REST URL and CORS Domain that needs to be configured in the Clover App.

We have a Web App in Clover side and we are waiting for approval from Clover. So, our concern is how the Web App functionality works?

Once we have a Web App published on Clover, every merchant needs to configure REST URL and CORS Domain. Do every merchant needs to go through the same approval process from Clover for using Clover Pay Cloud?

Best Regards,

AZM Ariful Haque Real

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ realariful commented ·

The Site URL and CORS domain are your app's settings, merchants do not modify your app settings, that wouldn't make any sense. A merchant will simply "connect" to your app and then during the OAuth flow we will redirect them to your site url. That is a good time to grab the merchant id, and associate it with your local POS account.

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phuctoantruong avatar image
phuctoantruong answered David Marginian commented

Hi David,

I think Ariful means two POS domains connect to a Clover Semi-Integrated app. But inside the Semi-Integrated app, we only have one REST URL. So, how a semi-integrated clover app can handle multiple POS domains? Do we need to make a new semi-integrated app for new POS domains?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Because you are using Remote Pay Cloud from the browser you won't be able to do this (with a single app) because you will be blocked by the browser's cross origin policy (you cannot specify multiple CORs domains for a single app). Why do you need multiple domains?

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phuctoantruong avatar image phuctoantruong David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·
Thank you for your response. Because I need the Clover have multiple devices and can connect to multiple POS domain. For this solution, I can provide the POS for multiple customers. Any recommendation for this requirement?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ phuctoantruong commented ·
It isn't clear to me why you need multiple POS domains. You will need to explain your use/business case a bit more clearly.
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phuctoantruong avatar image
phuctoantruong answered David Marginian commented

Hi David,

Is the SDK allow to GET App ID, RAID, and App Secret when connecting to a Clover device.

and SET REST configuration - so we can set the REST config to any domain.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·
Those properties don't have anything to do with the REST configuration. Regardless you can't dynamically set the REST configuration. Even if you could an app has a single REST configuration, which doesn't support your idea.
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shivamt2 avatar image
shivamt2 answered shivamt2 commented

Is it possible to user single ios app for multiple clover merchant account ?

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greyskymedia avatar image greyskymedia commented ·

Yes and no, you could SWITCH between accounts by triggering an oAuth prompt within the app. Loading data from both MIDs at the same time within the app, no, I don't see how that'd be possible.

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shivamt2 avatar image shivamt2 greyskymedia commented ·
how are we going to authorise our application on another clover account bcz we need to provide appID which we have created on particular clover account ?
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