
cotton9 avatar image
cotton9 asked David Marginian commented

CodeLab: Remote Pay Cloud app missing from app market?

I'm just getting started w/ a semi-integration using the Cloud SDK v3. The docs state "A more comprehensive tutorial for this SDK is available on GitHub: Remote Pay Cloud Codelab"

Going through that tutorial, it tells me "From your test merchant's Clover dashboard, click More Tools to launch the App Market. Find the CodeLab: Remote Pay Cloud app in the App Market."

I can't seem to find that app in the App Market. Does this app no longer exist, or am I missing something?

App Marketsemi-integrationsRemote Pay Cloud
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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

The app is available on sandbox, not prod. If you are on sandbox and don't see the app, can you provide me your test merchant id (in a private post)?

Also, you should read through our best practices - Of particular importance is the section titled "Payment reconciliation and recovery. You can see the concepts documented here in our starter app -

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