
realariful avatar image
realariful asked realariful commented

Clover Device API 401 Unauthroized

Hello Clover,

We are using Clover Semi(Remote Pay Cloud).

Our new client has recently installed the app and has received the authorization code. He can successfully get the access token using the code following the OAuth Process.

After that, he tries to fetch the device using the url but getting "401 UnAuthorized".
Can you help us regarding this.

Based on Clover Doc, it seems the token needs permission. For this, what type of permission is required(if any)?

Best regards,

AZM Ariful Haque Real

semi-integrationsClover FlexRemote Pay Cloud
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered realariful commented

Merchant read is required for that call, there are a number of other things that may be wrong -

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realariful avatar image realariful commented ·
Hello David,

Thank you for your immediate response.

Can you also give us more reference where it is mentioned more about the Permission required for Clover Pay Cloud Application.

Best Regards,
AZM Ariful Haque Real

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