
Ralph Barile avatar image
Ralph Barile asked David Marginian commented

Setup fails on Install apps process on Cover Mini

I am unable to get past this error on initial device Setup:

Download unsuccessful
Application download has failed:
Point SCA Pay Display (com.clover.remote.pi.service):97 (2002)

Please try again.

Clover Mini
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

Is this a devkit or a production device? If you are a Clover merchant and this is a production device please contact Clover support, otherwise provide some details on exactly what you are doing.

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Ralph Barile avatar image
Ralph Barile answered David Marginian commented

Hello David,
This is a devkit. I am trying to get through the initial OOB experience.
I connected to my Wi-Fi network
Entered my authentication code to register the device
The Install apps process initiated automatically and fails with the error provided...

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