
leobufibarrameda avatar image
leobufibarrameda asked David Marginian answered

App Release - Invalid File Not Found then increment versionCode issue

Hi guys,

I am having issue on adding a New Public Release. I have incremented the versionCode and modified versionName but when I tried to release it - it shown Not Found Error.

Then once I tried to upload the same APK. I will prompt me: Invalid File relating to versionCode.


When I check my Releases Table, I can't see the versionCode I am trying to upload.

Is there a known issue atm on clover developer console specially related to releasing new version? Because this issue is currently blocking me on releasing fixes to my client.

Best Regards,

- Leo B

App Market
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

I am not aware of any issues and I don't believe there have been any changes in this area in a long time. But based on the information you have provided, I am not sure what you are doing wrong.

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michaelelias avatar image
michaelelias answered

I'm experiencing the same issue. Haven't changed anything to our release process and I uploaded a new APK 2 days ago successfully

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saiavanigadda avatar image
saiavanigadda answered David Marginian commented

Experiencing the same exact issue today. Uploaded yesterday successfully. But today its showing the same error.

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saiavanigadda avatar image saiavanigadda commented ·


This is the same issue...

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Have you tried updating your version code?

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

Can someone that is experiencing this problem take a look at the network tab in their browser's debug console and provide us with that in a moderator's only comment?

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

We are looking into this ...

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

This was a transient issue that was impacting NA prod. The issue seems largely mitigated and we have made some changes to the APK upload flow to make it more robust in future.

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