
ghost603 avatar image
ghost603 asked David Marginian commented

Is there any way to connect my web app with clover device ?

I want to connect my web app that is built with .net with a clover device.

So when a customer make an order in the website, the inventory in the clover device will be updated automaticly instead of adding the order manually each time there is a new order.

Is there an api to achieve that please ?

Thank you

REST APIInventory
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

Yes, we have an API. You may want to start here because your question is about orders:

REST docs:

REST reference:

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ghost603 avatar image ghost603 commented ·
Thaank you David
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Brian avatar image Brian commented ·

how can a device get a request from Web Base?
"4. On the Associate Dev Kit modal that appears, enter the serial number for your development kit found on the sticker attached to your Dev Kit's box (for example, C012UQ12345678)."

So, Do I buy Dev Kit to active before connecting to the device?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ Brian commented ·
I am not sure what you are trying to accomplish. In order to associate a devkit to your account you need to have ordered and received a devkit. Generally devkits are for developers building native apps that have some hardware dependency, perhaps for your use an emulator would work?
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