
revanth avatar image
revanth asked vloev edited

Failed to find or resize iframe in Clover Hosted iframe integration

When I try to implement the Clover Hosted IFrame in our website by following After creating form and Clover elements, when I try to mount the elements, it's showing "

Uncaught Error: Failed to find or resize iframe for card-number

at Object.t.resizeFrame


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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

Here is a codepen with an example, make sure you change the PAKMS token -

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revanth avatar image revanth commented ·

The codepen is working good but when I have taken the same code and tried on my website, I am getting an error at "const element = clover.elements();"=>

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'appendChild' of null

at e.elements

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ revanth commented ·

There must be a difference between your code and the codepen, take a closer look. I assume you replaced the pakms token with your token in the initialization?

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revanth avatar image revanth David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Yes, I replaced my PAKMS token in the initialization and a clover object is returned. the immediate line after initialization is throwing error to call elements from Clover. I tried changing both Sandbox and Production sdk.js paths, but the error remains the same.

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vloev avatar image
vloev answered vloev edited

@revanth did you find the solution?

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