
alrod894 avatar image
alrod894 asked David Marginian answered

Free application


I have a platform that is basically a middleware and I can integrate this platform with any number of apps such as clover and shopify, depending on where the customer find us we can either bill with any marketplace (clover) or stripe if they come directly to our page.

If they find us directly on our page this means we are going to bill them directly and offer a free clover app to integrate with. If they find us in a market place, we will be billing trough the marketplace (clover, shopify) depending on which marketplace installed the app first. So If I already have Clover installed then I will bill trough clover and If I have shopify installed I will bill trough shopify.

My question is, If Im already billing outside clover, how can I offer the clover integration for free? (not giving the option to purchase it again on clover, to avoid charging twice) can I have 2 apps 1 listed (with plans) and 1 unlisted (free) or what's the marketplace preferred way to do it?

Thanks in advance.

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

This doesn't sound like something that would be permitted on our platform, but I am not sure. You should contact to discuss this in more detail.

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