
vishal388 avatar image
vishal388 asked vishal388 commented

Unable to get access token for Sandbox

I am following the steps mentioned here:

As per step6: "Return to REST Configuration and then click Example OAuth Request to retrieve a sample access_token from your browser URL for your test merchant. "

However in my case, it shows URL like this:


All I am trying to do is to resolve the CORS error below. So far I was using token generated from Setup--> API Token., which I realized after reading few articles that may be contributing to the CORS error.


Any help in resolving CORS error will be appreciated.

semi-integrationsClover FlexOAuthaccess token
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered vishal388 commented

In order to obtain a token, you need to have the app installed to your test merchant. Below step 6 - "For a new test merchant account, you are redirected to the merchant dashboard. Click Connect to install your sandbox app and complete the example OAuth flow."

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vishal388 avatar image vishal388 commented ·

Hi David

I already had a merchant account, however I got the new flex device that I am trying to connect the app to. App was also previously created and was working with another clover device we were testing with in the past.

How do I regenerate the token?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ vishal388 commented ·

Yes, I understand you have a test merchant. I am saying your app needs to be INSTALLED on the merchant ( before you can obtain a token. If you need more assistance you will need to provide your app id and merchant id.

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vishal388 avatar image vishal388 David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Got it. I tried that as well and do not see connect button. Is it because I am on a free plan and need to upgrade to either Lite/Bundle?


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