
stammer avatar image
stammer asked David Marginian edited

Why can I not select my date and time for my order?

I am trying to order something for tomorrow morning but I cannot select a date and time when the date and time pops up.

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian edited

The issue is that this merchant only allows orders for today and not in the future. We obviously need to handle this better in the UI. You will have to wait until tomorrow to place your order per the merchant's config.

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian edited

I am sorry you haven't provided enough detail for us to help you? Are you a Clover merchant? A customer? Where exactly are you trying to order something?

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stammer avatar image stammer commented ·

I am a customer trying to order from Paulas Donuts on - Paula's Donuts - Tonawanda - Online Ordering | Clover - When I go to the "Schedule an order" page, all it says is "Date Time" but does not allow me to select a date and time.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ stammer commented ·

I passed along this thread to the online order team.

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stammer avatar image stammer David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Okay thanks

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stammer avatar image
stammer answered

I am a customer trying to order from Paulas Donuts on - Paula's Donuts - Tonawanda - Online Ordering | Clover - When I go to the "Schedule an order" page, all it says is "Date Time" but does not allow me to select a date and time.

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