
richa avatar image
richa asked noureciand answered

clientcreatedtime field store time in utc format?

I am fetching orders at regular intervals to fetch sales data.I am using utc timestamp to fetch orders.For example orders are added for time 2:00am GMT.And I need to fetch order using script which uses UTC time stamp of past 10 minutes to fetch will it allow me to fetch current order irrespective of place and datetime? clientcreatedtime is stored in utc format in clover as well?

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered richa commented

client_created_time is stored as a UNIX timestamp. If you don't know what that means this may be helpful:

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richa avatar image richa commented ·

So if I am asking to fetch orders from 10:00 am UTC to 10:10 am UTC it will fetch me correct results irrespective of timezone .Right?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ richa commented ·

Yes, that is correct.

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richa avatar image richa David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Thanks alot.

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noureciand avatar image
noureciand answered

The client created a time field that typically stores the creation time of a client's record in UTC format. UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) is a standardized time format used globally to ensure consistency across different time zones. This practice helps maintain accurate timestamps regardless of the user's geographical location, making it easier to track events and transactions accurately. When integrating systems or analyzing data across various platforms, using UTC ensures synchronization and eliminates confusion caused by time zone differences. This approach is crucial, especially in services that require precise tracking of Hours of service where accurate time logging is essential for compliance and operational efficiency.

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