
biermi avatar image
biermi asked David Marginian commented

Ecommerce API Approval

We submitted our app to the market place on September 10th and it's still pending over two months later. Has anyone else been stuck in the queue? We have merchants who are disgruntled because they can't use Clover and we're having to recommend that they switch to Square.

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

I have pinged the person that was working with you to see if we can get an update.

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biermi avatar image
biermi answered David Marginian commented

Is there any documentation on what the approval process is like after the app submission? We received an update that the functional review was approved but now it's been passed off to our Account Manager and awaiting another 2-3 week legal review. How many more approvals does this need to go through and can we get a realistic timeline on when this will get all of the approvals needed? We're coming up on 3 months in "pending review" status.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

The documentation we have is here - I am not certain if this answers your question or not. If not, the person working with you on your app should be able to answer this question.

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