
sanjanaraj avatar image
sanjanaraj asked David Marginian commented

Cancel sale before it completes using resetDevice not working

I am trying to cancel a sale before it completes on the Clover Mini. I am currently using the resetDevice method from PaymentConnector and it successfully cancels an inflight transaction if I'm on the screen to swipe/enter a card or the signature screen. However if I'm on the tip screen and I try to call resetDevice nothing happens and the sale continues. Any thoughts on why it isn't working or how to ensure the transaction cancels while on the tip screen? Thanks!

Clover Mini
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

Sounds like a bug, reset wasn't implemented on Payment Connector until fairly recently. Prior to that the thought was reset wasn't needed because the merchant can simply cancel out from the device.

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sanjanaraj avatar image sanjanaraj commented ·

Thanks for the response! Do you know if Clover plans on fixing this bug soon or if there's any workaround for this issue?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ sanjanaraj commented ·

I reproduced this and wrote up a ticket. However, I can't provide you with a date when it will be fixed. The work-around would be to have the merchant cancel out from the tip screen by hitting the back button.

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sanjanaraj avatar image sanjanaraj David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Okay thank you!

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